Hey there! I've got this homework from balkuik kuik kuik
Rules : The rules are simple. Use google image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.

1.The age of my next birthday:
Don't forget to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me on February 11,2009!!! hahaha thanks!

2.Place i'd like to Travel:
Venice, Italy! It's a very romantic place! hahahah

3.Favourite Place:
i love to EAT! so my fav place is RESTAURAAAAAANT~!hahahah

4.Favourite Food:
Grilled Chicken wakakaka

5.Favourite Thing:
My Grey Nike Glasses! (but not this type)

6.Favourite Color:
That's why i love MANCHESTER UNITED!!!

7.City I ever Lived in:
Jakartaaa City!

8.Nickname i had:

9.College Major :
Information Technology amiiin YA ALLAH!

10.Name of my Love:
I love Nadiyah very much! (she is not the same as in this picture!)

11.Bad Habbit :
sometimes i can't control my emotion,but i always try to control it!


13.Wishlist :

Go to USA with AFS(i hope YES!) amiiin

I want to tag this to : Enep, Ferinda, Goldi, Jundi, Nisa, Riris, Sese!
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3 Response to " "

  1. Annisa NF Says:
    January 12, 2009 at 4:59 AM

    oke dah wil makasih udah di tag -.- eh, enak ye masih 16.

  2. P. A. Sugandi Says:
    March 7, 2009 at 6:02 AM

    aaa willy gue jadi pengen melakukan tag ini... dulu ditag temen gue tapi males haha
    btw selamat ulang tahun yang sanget terlambat ya -___-

  3. Wally-G Says:
    April 16, 2009 at 8:20 AM

    hahahahahahaha gue baru liat nih komen dr lo mez hahahaha sering2 mampir ke blog gue ye ntar gue update trus deeeeeh ahha