Lovelife is Hardcore!

Do you know why I named this post with that title?haha
I will tell you why later on haha
Okay, now I live in Trout Run, PA. I go to Williamsport HS which is a half hour from my house. I feel like I get used to this new culture. I like being here. I begin to like the school,friends,activities,foods and many things. 
But, I still feel like I have something wrong. Yeah, I need to be loved hahaha
I need a girl. I'm sure I can find one sweet girl here hahaha
But, finding a girl is not as easy as it said haha
I should be a nice and cool boy. I know I'm not cool, but I'm cold haha I mean I feel cold haha
I'm not handsome, you know? But, I'm not ugly though hahaha
So I'm just look like Jim Carrey and Ben Stiller maybe haha
You know, I'm a half Jim Carrey and a half Mr. Bean haha
Then, I will be as funny as you might imagine! Isn't it right?hahahaha
Oh yeah, lovelife is hardcore because it's just like roller coaster and metal tones haha 
I really love hardcore-music and pop punk. These kinds of music often talk about fallin' in love or break up haha It's complicated! But, I enjoyed it.
So, I'm just hoping that everything will be good and fine haha
I wanna try something new here in US. I wanna be better and better haha
I wanna meet FOUR YEAR STRONG dude! Yes, I will buy the letterman-hoodie and publish it soon here in my blog! hahaha I wanna find a sweet girl here too hahaha I like the girls here 'cause they're different and sweet haha
I think that's all about this topic. I'll tell you more haha
Okay then, see ya fellas!
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