She's So High!

What's up everyone???
I've just changed my blog-layout! Hope you all enjoy this new-look of my blog hahaha
Oh yeah I wanna share my feeling(s) about a girl now (again and again) hahaha

She's blood, flesh and bone
No tucks or silicone
She's touch, smell, sight, taste and sound

She's cute and way too beautiful
I don't know if I can get closer to her
'Cause she's so high...
High above me, she's so lovely
She's so high...
Like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, or Aphrodite
She's so high...
High above me

Those are my favorite words taken from Four Year Strong song called She's So High haha
I like that song hahaha and I make new words from that 
Oh what a nice song!!!!!!!!
It means that she's so high and I can't reach her! haha
Is that true? I don't even know! haha

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1 Response to "She's So High!"

  1. Istina Says:
    September 14, 2009 at 5:13 PM

    jieh wils siapa iniii? wahahahaa